CREDIT: iridescent@soompi forums , FTilove@youtube


Geu·nyuh·neun mo·reu·jyo jung·mahl mo·reu·jyo ee ah·peun sa·rang
Nah hon·ja sa·rang·eul ha·go ddoh ee·byul·eul ha·go
Geu·nyuh·reul bo·nae·yo

Ji·oo·go ji·wuh·bwah·do
Son ggeut·ha·na ji·ool soo ubt·neun
Nae·gehn oh·jik ha·na·boon·een sa·ram geu·nyuh·reul bo·nae·yo

Yuh·jah·neun sa·rang·eul mol·la
Do·dae·che sa·rang·eul mol·la
Geu·nyuh·neun sa·rang·ba·kkeh mo·reu·neun nae mahm·eul mol·lah

Yuh·jah·neun sa·rang·eul mol·lah
Ee seul·peun nam·ja·eh sa·rang·eul mol·lah
Geu·nyuh·neun ee·byul·ba·kkeh mo·reu·neun yuh·jah·ra sa·rang·eul mol·lah

Nuhn juhl·dae nae mahm·eul mohl·la sa·rang·eul mol·la
Geu·rae·suh na·reul dduh·nah da·reun sa·rang gol·la
Jji·juh·jin nae mahm bahn·hae geu mahn·keum·do mol·la nuh·neun nuh ba·kkeh mol·la

Nahn geu·ruhn nuh ba·kkeh mol·la ee·byul·eun jahl mol·la
Geu·rae·suh sa·rang·eun nae·geh sang·chuh·ro nahm·ah
Oh·neul·do ni·ga dduh·nahn bahng·eh hon·ja nahm·ah
Nah·neun nuh·bah·kkeh mol·la

Sang·chuh·ga hyoong·tuh·ro nahm·ah
Son·ggeut·ha·na gah·ril soo ubt·neun
Nae·gehn oh·jik ha·na·bboon·een sa·ram geu·nyuh·reul bo·nae·yo

Yuh·jah·neun sa·rang·eul mol·la
Do·dae·che sa·rang·eul mol·la
Geu·nyuh·neun sa·rang·ba·kkeh mo·reu·neun nae mahm·eul mol·lah

Yuh·jah·neun sa·rang·eul mol·lah
Ee seul·peun nam·ja·eh sa·rang·eul mol·lah
Nahn oh·jik geu·nyuh·mahn·eul gi·dah·ril·ja·na

Ee·ruhn ah·peun sa·rang·eul mol·la
Ee·ruhn seul·peun sa·rang·eul mol·la
Geu·nyuh·neun sa·rang·ba·kkeh mo·reu·neun nae mahm·eul mol·la

Yuh·jah·neun sa·rang·eul mol·la
Ee seul·peun nam·ja·eh sa·rang·eul mol·la
Geu·nyuh·neun ee·byul·ba·kkeh mo·reu·neun yuh·ja·rah sa·rang·eul mol·la


She doesn't know, she really doesn't know, this painful love
I love alone, and say another goodbye
I'm sending her away

I try and try to erase
But not even a fingertip's amount can be erased
The only person who can be the one for me, I am sending her away

Girls don't know love
They don't have a clue about love
She doesn't know my heart that knows nothing but love

Girls don't know love
They don't know this sad boy's love
Since she is a girl who knows nothing but separation, she doesn't know love

You know nothing of my heart, you don't know love
So you're leaving me, you're choosing another love
Against my torn heart, do you really know so little? you know nothing but yourself

That kind of you is all I know, I don't really know goodbyes
So love is remaining with me as a wound
Again today, I remain alone in the room you left
I know nothing but you

The wound remains as a scar
Of which not a single fingertip can be hidden
The only person who can be the one for me, I am sending her away

Girls don't know love
They don't have a clue about love
She doesn't know my heart that knows nothing but love

Girls don't know love
They don't know this sad boy's love
I'm still waiting only for her

They don't know this kind of painful love
They don't know this kind of sad love
She doesn't know my heart that knows nothing but love

Girls don't know love
They don't know this sad boy's love
Since she is a girl who knows nothing but separation, she doesn't know love

~Music Video/MP3~

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